Structure Fire 06/06/2019 INC#0762

Structure Fire; INC#0762; 12:48PM; 1387 W 37th Dr;; Exposition Park; CORRECTED ADDRESS. 42 firefighters quenched the flames in a 2-story single family dwelling in 20 minutes. Fire was showing through a 2nd-story window and extending into the attic. During fire attack, a search of the structure turned up no patients, despite inital reports of person(s) trapped. No reported injuries. Unknown cause/loss; FS 15; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 8; BC13 CM22 E10 E15 E215 E226 E266 E46 RA15 RA246 SQ21 T15 T26 T66; CH9; 12; -Nicholas Prange
