Structure Fire 04/23/2020 INC#0200

Structure Fire; INC#0200; 04:48AM; 1332 S 2nd Av;; Arlington Heights; PRELIM: Garage fully involved with fire, exposing other structures. Firefighters entered the nearby center-hallway apartment building (on Arlington) to find fire on the second floor. Offensive mode; FS 26; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 10; BC1 BC11 BC18 BC5 CM22 E13 E226 E227 E229 E26 E261 E27 E29 E294 E34 E68 EM1 EM11 HR3 RA26 RA27 RA826 SQ21 T26 T27 T29 T61 T94 UR27 UR88; CH9; 12 14; -Nicholas Prange
