Structure Fire 02/23/2021 INC#1244

Structure Fire; INC#1244; 06:48PM; 13949 W Ventura Bl;; Sherman Oaks; Three story office building with smoke showing and fire sprinkler activation in sub-level high voltage electrical vault. Firefighters have protection lines in place while they await confirmation the vault has be de-energized. There is no current extension beyond the sub-level vault. No additional resources anticipated to be required. No injuries reported. DWP requested to respond. No further details.; FS 78; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 4; BC10 BC14 CM42 E102 E239 E278 E288 E39 E88 E99 EM9 RA78 RA878 T39 T78 T88; CH9; 17; Margaret Stewart
