#RoyalOakFire Major Emergency Structure Fire 12/22/2023 INC#1162

#RoyalOakFire Major Emergency Structure Fire; INC#1162; 04:45PM; 15837 W Royal Oak Rd; https://bit.ly/3NDPsFm; #Encino; With 133 LAFD personnel now assigned and transitioning from defensive (exterior) to limited offensive (interior) operations against deeply entrenched and stubborn fire, this incident has escalated to Major Emergency status. The flames remain confined within the structure of fire origin (roughly estimated to be as much as a 17,000 square-foot) three-story home under construction in the framing and wrapped stage, surrounded by scaffolding on bare earth. No injuries have been reported. LAFD Public Information Officer Captain Cody Weireter is en route to assist media. His ETA is 5:15 PM.; FS 88; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 4; E288 E88 T88 E83 E109 RA99 E278 T78 RA78 BC10 BC14 T39 E239 CM42 CM40 UR88 HA6 H6 E90 E93 E293 T93 E87 SQ87 EM14 BC12 T89 E289 E89 UR89 HR3 BC5 SO1 HA7 H7 HA3 H3 HA5 H5 EA1 AR1 HE1 EX2 T27 E227 T61 E261 E11 E205 T75 E275; CH9; 17 18; Brian Humphrey
