Rescue 03/31/2019 INC#0301

Rescue; INC#0301; 06:44AM; RR Tracks near 1735 S Perrino Pl;; Boyle Heights; PRELIM: Adult F reportedly placed herself on railroad tracks in non-pedestrian area before approaching Union Pacific freight train; No entrapment; Discovered alive but in critical condition with (double leg?) amputation; Will be transported by LAFD Paramedics to trauma center; Media Inquiries: LAPD Incident #1045 and UPRR; FS 17; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC1 E17 E2 E202 E25 EM1 HR3 RA17 RA25 T2; Radio Channel: 7; 12; - Brian Humphrey
