Physical Rescue 06/26/2021 INC#1579

Physical Rescue; INC#1579; 10:15PM; 118 N San Pascual Av;; Highland Park; One vehicle collided with a two-story apartment building (over parking sublevel), trapping three in the vehicle and injuring one inside the apartment building. Firefighters extricated three from the vehicle, transporting them in critical condition. One patient from the apartment building was transported in fair condition (total of 4 transported to local trauma center). LAFD Heavy Rescue is hoisting the vehicle and USAR team is providing stabilization for minor structural damage. LA Dept of Building and Safety has yellow-tagged the building. CHP Log 4441. LAPD Inc 4915.; FS 12; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC2 E1 E201 E212 E3 E42 E55 EM1 EM13 EM14 HR3 RA2 RA20 RA55 RA56 RA844 T1 T12 UR3 UR88; CH7; 12; Nicholas Prange
