Natural Gas Leak 06/20/2023 INC#1339

Natural Gas Leak; INC#1339; 06:21PM; 10250 W Santa Monica Bl;; Century City; LAFD responded to reports of the smell of leaking natural gas inside a retail unit (DBA Nordstroms) which evacuated prior to LAFD arrival. Firefighters are investigating and currently have no atypical readings on the five-gas meter (portable gas detection device provides readings of the atmospheric presence of carbon monoxide, oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen cyanide and methane). There are no persons with any medical complaints. LAFD HazMat squad is responding for a detailed investigation. No further information.; FS 92; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 5; E237 E95 SQ95 T37; CH7; Margaret Stewart
