Multi-Patient Traffic Collision 01/29/2024 INC#1086

Multi-Patient Traffic Collision; INC#1086; 02:37PM; 7307 S Hoover St; #VermontKnolls; Four-vehicle collision (one of them was parked/unoccupied) resulting in 6 injured patients. No one was trapped. Three were transported in moderate condition, two were transported in fair condition, and one refused the offer for ambulance transport. LAPD Incident #3099. Nothing further.; FS 57; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 8; AP65 BC13 E233 E33 EM13 EM4 RA14 RA246 RA57 RA814 RA833 RA846 RA857 RA864 T33; CH4; 12; Nicholas Prange
