Multi-Patient Medical 05/01/2023 INC#0728

Multi-Patient Medical; INC#0728; 11:33AM; 4066 Johnnie Cochran Vista;; #ArlingtonHeights; PRELIM: At least three children (unconfirmed ages/genders/conditions or site affiliation) at a school, with altered level of consciousness after possible exposure or ingestion of a yet unknown substance. No further details. Media Inquiries: LAUSD, LA School Police, LAPD Wilshire Division (Incident #1820 and/or #1920).; FS 26; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 10; C11 E20 EM11 EM18 JT2 JT4 RA29 RA61 RA68 RA826 RA94; CH4; 13; Brian Humphrey
