Multi-Patient Injury 05/10/2021 INC#0804

Multi-Patient Injury; INC#0804; 01:17PM; 900 W 7th St;; Downtown; PRELIM: Loud sound (firework?) earlier heard by patrons/employees at or near the Metro Center subway station, several minutes prior to their calling 9-1-1. Unclear if sound was heard on a subway train or at subterranean station. No fire. No smoke. No physical evidence of any 'explosion' damage on LAFD arrival. Three civilian adults (unknown affiliation) are currently being evaluated for minor unspecified injury, including auditory discomfort. They are currently indicating a desire to be released at scene. Media Inquiries: LAPD Central Division and LAPD Transit Services Division Incident #2405 and Metro Los Angeles.; FS 11; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC11 BC2 E10 E13 E15 E17 E203 E210 E215 E3 E4 EM11 HR3 RA11 SQ21 T10 T15 T3; CH7; 16; Brian Humphrey
