Lost Child 03/19/2019 INC#0437

Lost Child; INC#0437; 08:50AM; 6406 S Main St; http://bit.ly/2Fn6xka; Florence; This morning, the members of Fire Station 33 in South Los Angeles came upon a 3-year-old male child running in the street with no supervision. Truck 33 blocked traffic while firefighters removed the child from danger. LAFD provided a safe house for the child at Station 33, while attempting to identify the child's parents. In coordination with LAPD, the child's worried father was located and came to the station to be reunited with his son. The father had stepped out briefly to drive the child's mother to work. Older siblings were supervising the boy at home, but did not notice him slip out of the house. Due to the quick action taken by firefighters, no harm came to the child and he was reconnected with his family. This is an outstanding example of the pride our members take in going above and beyond to protect the members of our community. ; FS 33; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; E233 EM1 T33; CH7; Nicholas Prange
