Knockdown Structure Fire 11/09/2020 INC#1193

Knockdown Structure Fire; INC#1193; 06:01PM; 1314 N Sierra Alta Wy;; Hollywood Hills West; 70 LAFD firefighters assisted one company of Los Angeles County firefighters responding in automatic aid, confined the fire within the 4,010 square-foot three story ascending hillside home, extinguishing flames in just xx minutes. No injury. Fire cause under investigation.; FS 41; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; BC14 BC5 BC9 CM22 CM42 E203 E227 E237 E261 E27 E278 E41 E58 E71 E97 EM11 EM14 HR3 RA27 RA41 RA58 RA858 T27 T3 T37 T61 T78 UR27 UR88; CH9; 12 13; Brian Humphrey
