KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 09/01/2016

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; 06:13PM; 7047 Bevis Av;; Van Nuys; Address corrected to 7047 Bevis; 66 FF's took 22 min; Primarily confined to attached garage and attic of (correction) 1 story home, with some fire extension/damage within 1,304 sq ft non-fire sprinklered residence built 1958; Flames also destroyed 1 parked auto in driveway and caused moderate damage to a nearby home to the south; No human injury; 2 dogs sadly died within the smoke charged home, an additional non-injured dog has been cordoned in the yard, awaiting Dept of Animal Services; Cause/Loss TBD; NFD; Dispatched Units: E239 E39 T39 RA39 E81 RA81 E290 T90 BC10 E288 T88 CM42 E100 EM14 BC14 RA102 E102 E273 T73 EM17 BC12 UR88 E89 UR89 RA89 RA889 T27 E227 HR56 BC5; Brian Humphrey
