KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 08/02/2021 INC#1355

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1355; 06:57PM; 19629 W Valdez Dr;; Tarzana; A two-story hillside home was engulfed in flames, with fire spreading to the brush, when firefighters arrived. Firefighters began the attack in defensive mode (from the exterior only), and later transitioned to offensive (inside the structure) to finish tracking down all of the fire within. Ultimately, it took 57 LAFD firefighters 33 minutes to extinguish the flames. The family escaped unharmed and four will be displaced (no Red Cross assistance needed). No reported injuries. The cause of the fire is under investigation.; FS 93; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC10 BC14 BC15 BC17 CM42 E273 E288 E289 E293 E305 E72 E73 E83 E84 E89 E93 EM17 H6 HA6 HR3 RA84 RA89 RA90 RA93 T105 T73 T88 T89 T93 UR88 UR89; CH9; 17 18; Nicholas Prange
