KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 07/30/2016

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; 08:42PM; 9145 La Tuna Cyn Rd; internal:/; #LaTunaCanyon; Initially reported as brush fire, 63 LAFD FF's took 28 min; Confined to large 1 story 'Hacienda style' home with well involved attic fire extended into home; No brush involvement; Now 4 injuries total: Two adult occupants (1 M 1 F) rescued by LAFD and taken to hospital in grave condition; One adult F (relative?) in Fair condition with smoke exposure and small burn on hand will also go to hospital; One Firefighter has unspecified injury and is now being evaluated at scene; Loss/Cause TBD; Dispatched Units: E89 T89 E289 E298 T98 E475 RA98 E274 T74 T60 E260 E489 E90 H0B H0D EM17 BC12 BC14 T90 E290 H1 H2 RA90 H5 E24 CM42 BC10 E77 EM15 BP74 RA77 RA74 EM17 RA89 AR2 PH1 RA86 EM17 EM11; Brian Humphrey
