KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 05/24/2017

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; 08:56AM; 10007 Topanga Canyon Bl; internal:/; *Address numeric corrected* to: 10007; First arriving 50 LAFD FF's took just 25 minutes to confine fire to a portion of two conjoined town homes and their common attic; No injury; Loss/Cause TBD; Dispatched Units: E296 T96 RA96 RA896 E496 E72 E104 T87 BC15 BC17 RA72 EM15 UR88 T89 E289 UR89 RA889 E27 BC14 CM42 E298 T98 E93 EM17 HR3 E5 T85 E285 UR85 BC6; - Brian Humphrey
