KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 04/29/2024 INC#1474

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1474; 06:21PM; 3725 N Stockbridge Av;; #ElSereno; *Corrected Address* Firefighters responded to a two-story residential building (first-floor garage with second-floor living space) where a fire appeared to have started outside and spread into the attic and second floor. Firefighters advanced hose lines inside the structure and ascended ladders to provide vertical ventilation from the roof. Firefighters performed an interior search and found the abandoned structure to be vacant. It took 40 firefighters 18 minutes to access, confine, and extinguish the flames. No reported injuries. Cause under investigation.; FS 47; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC11 BC2 CM20 CM22 E1 E12 E16 E2 E201 E212 E47 EM1 RA12 RA47 SO1 T1 T12; CH9; 13; Nicholas Prange
