KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 04/06/2024 INC#0768

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0768; 12:47PM; 1700 S Penmar Av;; #Venice; Initial arriving firefighters found a One-story single-family home well involved. Firefighters utilized fire attack hose lines with vertical ventilation to quickly extinguished the flames and keeping the fire from spreading vertically or horizontally. It took 32 firefighters 27 minutes to extinguish the flames and achieve a knockdown. The cause and origin is currently under investigation. No reported injuries. ; FS 63; Batt 4; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC18 BC4 E263 E292 E62 E63 E67 RA5 RA63 T63 T92; CH9; 12; Mark McLean
