KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 04/05/2023 INC#1235

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1235; 05:29PM; 4815 S Roma Ct;; #Venice; It took 26 firefighters 24 minutes to extinguish a fire, which was contained mostly to the attic of a 4,601 sq-ft, three-story (portions had a 4th story) home in the "Silver Strand" tract, built in 1985. Firefighters took care to protect belongings below before applying water to the flames above. There were no injuries, and the cause is under investigation.; FS 63; Batt 4; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC4 E205 E263 E62 E63 E67 RA62 T5 T63; CH7; 13; Nicholas Prange
