KNOCKDOWN - Structure Fire 03/24/2018

KNOCKDOWN - Structure Fire; 07:06PM; 1910 Rodney Dr; internal:/; Despite excessive personal storage on both floors of (what is now described as) a two story condominium unit, 43 LAFD Firefighters took just 13 minutes to fully extinguish flames on the second floor; One adult F resident was reportedly rescued uninjured from the burning unit by LAFD responders; She is being assessed at this time, and her need for hospital transport has yet to be determined; Fire cause/loss under investigation; Dispatched Units: E235 E35 T35 RA35 RA835 E56 E482 E220 T20 BC5 BC2 CM52 E6 E227 T27 EM11 BC11; - Brian Humphrey
