KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 03/16/2022 INC#1016

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1016; 03:20PM; 7357 N Loma Verde Av;; Canoga Park; Firefighters found heavy fire coming from a one-story single-family home, which had spread to one neighboring home (and minor damage to a detached garage). The incident commander requested additional units and divided the fire ground crews into groups to attack all burning structures simultaneously. Ultimately, it took 39 firefighters 31 minutes to eliminate all threat of fire in the area. Although there were no injuries, sadly, one family canine perished in the blaze. Fire cause under investigation.; FS 72; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC15 E104 E105 E273 E296 E305 E472 EM17 RA72 RA872 RA93 T105 T73 T96; CH8; 18; Nicholas Prange
