KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 02/28/2017

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; 10:38AM; 10919 S Main St; internal:/; 85 FF's took 30 min; Confined to vacant 2 story duplex; One firefighter en route hospital in undetermined condition with unkown but *non-life threat* injury; Details pending; LAFD PIO Capt Erik Scott will assist media at scene; NFD; Dispatched Units: E264 T64 RA264 E65 RA865 E215 T15 E57 BC11 RA57 RA65 EM13 E210 T10 E21 E79 T9 CM22 EM4 BC18 T5 E205 UR5 RA5 E3 HR56 UR88 BC4 E5; - Brian Humphrey
