Knockdown - Structure Fire 02/09/2024 INC#0771

Knockdown - Structure Fire; INC#0771; 12:43PM; 520 S Kenmore Av;; #Koreatown; First arriving 32 LAFD Firefighters took just 24 minutes to access, confine and fully extinguish fire within the kitchen area of one second floor apartment at the rear of an 18,783 square foot / 24 unit / four-story garden-style apartment building (3 occupied floors over parking). No injury. Fire cause under investigation. ; FS 6; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 10; BC1 BC11 BC18 BC5 CM20 CM22 E11 E13 E20 E220 E226 E227 E229 E29 E3 E6 EM11 EM5 HR3 RA26 RA35 RA803 RA813 SQ21 T20 T26 T27 T29 UR3 UR88; CH9; 12 13; Brian Humphrey
