KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 02/02/2023 INC#1666

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1666; 10:27PM; 3765 S Vinton Av;; #Palms; Twenty-two LAFD firefighters extinguished a fire in 15 minutes, which appeared to have started in a dumpster in or near a first floor carport, and burned an auto and damaged the exterior of the building. Firefighters were able to contain the flames before they made it inside any of the units. Some smoke did affect the upper floor, and firefighters are assisting with ventilation to return fresh air to the residential structure. No reported injuries.; FS 43; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 5; BC18 E292 E43 E58 E62 RA43 T92; CH7; 14; Nicholas Prange
