KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 01/25/2023 INC#0086

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0086; 02:50AM; 719 W 41st St;; Vermont Square; It took 34 firefighters 61 minutes to extinguish the stubborn attic fire. After beginning in offensive mode on the well-developed attic fire, crews were forced to pull back into defensive mode when the integrity of the roof became questionable. Crews fought from the exterior until flames remained only in an area that structural integrity was not compromised. Shortly after resuming offensive mode, crews were able to extinguish all flames. No reported injuries. Cause under investigation.; FS 46; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; BC11 BC13 CM22 CM40 CM42 E14 E15 E211 E215 E266 E33 E46 EM11 RA46 T11 T15 T66; CH9; 15; Nicholas Prange
