KNOCKDOWN - Major Emergency Structure Fire 06/03/2018

KNOCKDOWN - Major Emergency Structure Fire; 05:52AM; 1280 N Vermont Av; internal:/; #EastHollywood; Confirmed Building Addresses Pending; 118 Firefighters held bulk of intense fire to one floor of vacant remnants of a previously burned (March 2017) two story strip mall that no longer hosted business; LAFD crews simultaneously protected life and property within an adjoining (zero clearance) occupied four story 32-unit center hallway apartment building; Flames caused some damage to at least 8 apartments in the 25,006 square foot building (constructed 1928), but there were no civilian or firefighter injuries; Fire cause/monetary loss to be determined; Dispatched Units: E235 E35 T35 RA835 E482 RA82 E6 E220 T20 BC5 BC11 RA35 E13 E52 E56 E227 T27 E250 T50 E211 T11 E203 T3 CM22 EM11 BC2 E27 UR27 RA27 HR3 UR88 BC1 EA1 E10 E15 E260 T60 E229 T29 AR2 PI1 RA6 EM1 EM14 RA52 PI2 PI4 PH1; - Brian Humphrey
