KNOCKDOWN Greater Alarm Structure Fire 01/29/2024 INC#1767

KNOCKDOWN Greater Alarm Structure Fire; INC#1767; 10:40PM; 3333 W 2nd St; #Koreatown; Firefighters responded to a very large four-story apartment complex, which had three occupied floors over a parking level. Crews simultaneously developed hose lines to a top-floor fire unit, assisted occupants evacuate, and cut holes in the roof for vertical ventilation. Seventy-two firefighters extinguished the flames in 25 minutes. One patient went to the hospital in fair condition due to smoke inhalation. Due to smoke damage, an unknown number of residents will be displace. Red Cross is responding to assist. No firefighter injuries. Cause under investigation.; FS 6; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 13; AR1 BC1 BC11 BC18 BC5 CM20 CM22 E11 E13 E20 E203 E211 E220 E229 E235 E27 E35 E6 EM11 EM5 HR3 RA13 RA3 RA35 RA6 RA803 RA806 RA811 SO1 SQ21 T11 T20 T29 T3 T35 UR3 UR88; CH7; 12 13; Nicholas Prange
