KNOCKDOWN Brush Fire 08/29/2023 INC#1145

KNOCKDOWN Brush Fire; INC#1145; 03:46PM; 3050 N Lake Hollywood Dr;; #HollywoodHills; Firefighters responded to a two-vehicle traffic collision, which appears to have caused the initial brush fire. Firefighters extinguished the quarter-acre fire in medium brush, before locating another spot fire (50' x 50') approximately 100 yards away from the original fire. Crews transitioned to the second burn and surrounded that one, achieving extinguishment of both in a total of 53 minutes. One adult female was assessed for minor injuries due to the traffic collision, but did not need hospital transport.; FS 76; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; AO1 AO2 BC14 BC5 CW3A DZ45 E227 E260 E41 E76 E82 E86 E90 E97 EM5 H3 H4 H7 HA3 HA4 HA7 HE1 RA827 T27 T60; CH5; 13; Nicholas Prange
