Knockdown - #BroadwayFire Brush Fire 05/21/2021 INC#1073

Knockdown - #BroadwayFire Brush Fire; INC#1073; 05:02PM; 1381 N Broadway;; Elysian Park; First arriving 40 LAFD responders took just 31 minutes to confine fire to less than one acre of brush, sparing any fire damage to critical communications infrastructure on 'Radio Hill'. No injury. LAFD Investigators are assigned to an incident that remains "under active investigation". ; FS 1; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; AR1 BC1 BC13 BC2 CM22 E1 E10 E16 E20 E201 E203 E209 E210 E220 E4 E47 E56 E9 EM1 H5 HA5 RA1 T1 T10 T20 T3; CH7; 14; Brian Humphrey
