Knockdown Structure Fire 10/10/2018 INC#0391

Knockdown Structure Fire; INC#0391; 10:00AM; 507 N Sycamore Av; internal:/; Hancock Park; Address numerics corrected to 507; 52 Firefighters took 16 minutes, extinguishing fire on second floor (and attic?) of boarded, vacant and unoccupied 3,330 square-foot 2 story home (residential duplex?) built 1925; No injury; Fire cause/monetary loss to be determined; FS 61; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 5; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC18 BC5 BC9 E229 E235 E41 E52 E61 E68 E82 RA41 RA827 RA861 T27 T29 T35; - Brian Humphrey
