Jumper 04/22/2020 INC#1176

Jumper; INC#1176; 06:21PM; 13710 N Gavina Av; https://bit.ly/2VRwtvf; Sylmar; One adult male was on the Gavina Ave bridge where it passes over the wash. LAFD was on standby to assist the patient if necessary. Water was flowing in the wash below, therefore river rescue precautions were being considered, in addition to the "long fall" precautions. Before any harm came to the patient, LAPD skillfully and peacefully apprehended the man. Firefighter-paramedics are providing a medical assessment on scene. LAPD Inc #4632. Nothing further; FS 91; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC10 BC12 E18 E239 E288 E91 E98 EM14 RA18 RA891 T39 T88; CH8; 12; -Nicholas Prange
