Investigation 06/27/2017

Investigation; 11:14AM; 21300 Roscoe Bl; internal:/; Canoga Park; PRELIM: Sudden odor noted inside a 136,325 square foot single-story warehouse (currently serving as sound stage) caused as many as 50 occupants (actors and crew) of unk production to experience respiratory irritation; All brought to fresh air where symptoms have subsided; No ambulance transports expected; No escalating or off-site hazard; Per protocol, LAFD HazMat Squad will further investigate; NFD; FS 104; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; Dispatched Units: E104 RA104 RA72 E296 T96 T95 E295 SQ95 EM17 BC15 E90 E95 T87 E287 SQ87; CH: 8; 17; - Brian Humphrey
