Investigation 03/18/2018

Investigation; 06:40PM; 2720 W 7TH ST;; Westlake / MacArthur Park; LAFD Firefighters along with LAPD evacuated a two-story church which extends over several small commercial businesses after an approximate 6" x 6" ceiling beam split inside the church, causing structural compromise; No reported injuries; LA Department of Building & Safety on-scene to make structural evaluation; Three businesses below the church were evacuated which includes an unknown number of people; No further details; LAFD Inc #1199; LAPD Inc #3985; FS 11; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 1; E211 T11 UR3 UR88 T3 E203 E3 RA803 BC11 RA3 HR3 ; CH: 7; 13; Amy Bastman
