Investigation 01/14/2017

Investigation; 05:36PM; 632 S Alvarado St;; #Westlake; LAFD responded to investigate fire sprinkler and odor at Metro Red Line subway Westlake / MacArthur Park Station; Determined to be intruder who activated track deluge system at platform level; Odor likely from somewhat stagnant water in sprinkler system; No fire; No injury; No contaminant; No hazard; LAFD has departed; Follow @MetroLAAlerts on Twitter for train service information; Media Contact: Metro; NFD; FS 11; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 1; Dispatched Units: E11 E211 T11 RA11 E13 E220 T20 E9 T9 E209 E210 T10 HR56 SQ21 EM11 BC11; CH: 7; 16; - Brian Humphrey
