Hoist Rescue 11/19/2023 INC#1114

Hoist Rescue; INC#1114; 04:22PM; Haines Canyon Ave; https://bit.ly/3MPTSJ2; #Tujunga; Firefighter-Paramedics have made contact with an injured bicycle rider (31-year-old male) in a remote area of Haines Canyon. LAFD Air Operations will be hoisting the patient and transporting to a local hospital in moderate-to-serious condition. Nothing further.; FS 74; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AO1 AO2 BC12 E24 E274 H3 H7 HA3 HA7 PB74 RA74 RA874 RH114 T74; CH8; 17; Nicholas Prange
