Hiker Rescue - Hoist Op 05/06/2023 INC#0736

Hiker Rescue - Hoist Op; INC#0736; 12:20PM; 16899 Calle Bellevista; https://bit.ly/42xTNPI; Pacific Palisades; LAFD Air Ops located a 78yo male hiker in serious medical distress (no traumatic injuries). They lowered two aeromedics to assess him and are preparing for a hoist operation followed by transport to the hospital. The 9-1-1 call was received at 11:38AM No further details.; FS 23; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; AO1 AO2 BC9 BP23 E23 E269 E293 H3 H7 HA3 HA7 RA23 RH114 T69 T93; CH7; 13; Margaret Stewart
