Hiker Rescue 12/16/2020 INC#0542

Hiker Rescue; INC#0542; 10:09AM; 3200 N Canyon Dr; https://bit.ly/2RO00VX; Hollywood Hills; Firefighters are with an uninjured, female hiker (with two dogs) stuck in a dangerous spot on the cliffside. The dogs were safely moved and the hiker is secured in place with a rope system established by the Park Rangers on scene assisting. LAFD Urban Search and Rescue is on scene and are setting up a lowering system which will be used to bring the hiker to ground level. ; FS 82; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; BC5 E227 E229 E27 E76 E82 H1 H2 HA1 HA2 RA27 RA827 RH114 T27 T29 UR27 UR88; CH7; 12; Margaret Stewart
