Hiker Rescue 10/16/2023 INC#1219

Hiker Rescue; INC#1219; 03:46PM; West Of Bird Sanctuary Loop Trail; https://bit.ly/3PXa0sT; #GriffithPark; PRELIM: LAFD ground and air response to a lost adult female hiker stranded but uninjured in steep terrain west of the Bird Sanctuary Loop Trail (south/central Griffith Park). LAFD rescue helicopters have found the woman, and are coordinating the arrival of LAFD crews who have hiked into the rugged terrain to perform a ground-based rope rescue. No need for a helicopter hoist rescue is currently anticipated.; FS 35; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; AO1 AO2 BC5 E220 E35 H4 H7 HA4 HA7 RA35 RH114 T20; CH7; 13; Brian Humphrey
