Hiker Rescue 09/23/2023 INC#0881

Hiker Rescue; INC#0881; 01:38PM; 20800 Waveview Dr; https://bit.ly/3EOFpZd; #PacificPalisades; LAFD responded to an approximately 21-year-old female, following a mountain bike crash on a remote trail near Trippet Ranch in Topanga State Park. Paramedics made contact with the patient via ground, while LAFD Air Ops landed nearby. Ground crews transferred her into the helicopter, which took off and transported her to an area hospital in moderate condition. Nothing further.; FS 23; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; AO1 AO2 BC18 BP23 E23 E237 H1 H7 HA1 HA7 RA23 RH214 T37; CH7; 13; Nicholas Prange
