Hiker Rescue 09/23/2023 INC#0604

Hiker Rescue; INC#0604; 10:29AM; 17399 Sesnon Blvd; https://bit.ly/3EOzeEv; #GranadaHills; LAFD responded to an approximately 25-year-old male hiker with a lower leg injury in a remote area near O'Melveny Park. Thank you to LACoFD Air Ops for responding in mutual aid assistance for the hoist and hospital transport of the patient (LAFD was responding to two other hikers and a brush incident at the time). Nothing further.; FS 18; Batt 15; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; BC15 E18 E275 H0A RA87 RH214 T75; CH8; 18; Nicholas Prange
