Hiker Rescue 05/29/2023 INC#0564

Hiker Rescue; INC#0564; 11:12AM; 3024 N Runyon Canyon Rd; https://bit.ly/3ouyD6F; #HollywoodHillsWest; Firefighters located a 39-year-old hiker and his dog, who were stranded part way up a steep ravine in the Runyon Canyon area. LAFD set up a 600-foot two-line rope system and performed a low-angle rope rescue to help the man and his "best friend" down to safer ground. Firefighter-Paramedics performed a medical assessment and found no injury or illness, therefore, no hospital transport was needed. Nothing further.; FS 41; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; BC5 E227 E261 E27 E41 E82 E90 H5 H7 HA5 HA7 RA27 RA41 RA76 RA827 RH114 T27 T61 UR27; CH7; 13; Nicholas Prange
