Hiker Rescue 03/02/2025 INC#1313

Hiker Rescue; INC#1313; 07:27PM; 6800 Sunset Ridge Ct; https://bit.ly/4h9sf9Y; West Hills; Firefighters located the two (in their 20s) hikers who were not injured, only stuck in a precarious location. LAFD Air Ops (no hoist rescue required) will pick up the two hikers and relocate them so firefighters can assist them in returning to their private transportation. 9-1-1 call received at 6:31PM. No further details. ; FS 105; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; BC17 E105 E288 E293 E305 E88 H1 H3 HA1 HA3 RA105 RA84 RH114 T105 T88 T93 UR88; CH8; 17; Margaret Stewart
