Hiker in Distress 05/20/2017

Hiker in Distress; 12:59PM; Verdugo Mountain Park; https://goo.gl/maps/RsHsPBQmG5q; Sun Valley; #VerdugoMountainPark; PRELIM: Group of 3 hikers off trail in remote terrain and needing assistance - including one 40 y/o adult F with non-life threatening heat exhaustion; LAFD copter will hoist all three to safety, and then transport ill woman directly to hospital; Local Weather: Temp 90.7°F | Wind 3 MPH from N | Humidity 10% | Sky Clear | Visibility 10 MI | Peak UV8; NFD (No Further Details); FS 77; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; Dispatched Units: E77 RA77 E274 T74 RH214 RA90 BC12 E24 H2 H6; CH: 8; 18; - Brian Humphrey
