High Rise Water Sweep 12/17/2018 INC#0867

High Rise Water Sweep; INC#0867; 01:34PM; 102 W 5th St; http://bit.ly/2Cks23P; Downtown; PRELIM: Apparent fire in a trash chute at a 13 story residential highrise (Rosslyn Hotel) was OUT on LAFD arrival thanks to fire sprinklers; No injury; No formal evacuation; LAFD crews will assist building management in sweeping large volume of water from several upper floors; FS 9; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; Dispatched LAFD Units: T9 E9 E209 RA209 E4 RA804 E203 T3 SQ21 BC1 BC11 T10 E210 E20 E3 E10 T11 CM22 EM11 BC13 HR3 T27 E227 UR27 UR88 BC5 EM25 ; Radio Channels: 9; 12; - Brian Humphrey
