Helicopter Hoist Rescue 06/18/2024 INC#1412

Helicopter Hoist Rescue; INC#1412; 06:31PM; 1 Nike Site; https://bit.ly/3i17IHK; #Encino; Firefighters have located an adult male mountain biker who sustained an injury on a remote trail (near a former NIKE Missile Control Site near Mullholland Drive and Mandeville Fire Road). LAFD Rescue Helicopter has lowered a flight paramedic to provide treatment and prepare for a hoist operation. The patient will soon be hoisted, followed by the rescuer, for continue in-flight care during direct air transport to an area hospital. ; FS 109; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 4; AO1 AO2 BC10 BP109 E109 E293 E93 H1 H7 HA1 HA7 HL1 RA83 RA93 RH114 T93; CH8; 17; Nicholas Prange
