Hazardous Materials Investigation 05/31/2022 INC#0392

Hazardous Materials Investigation; INC#0392; 07:58AM; 350 W King Bl; https://bit.ly/3lZPj0T; #HistoricSouthCentral; Six adult workers have been medically evaluated by LAFD after they experienced brief respiratory irritation upon entering a legal cannabis operation, which they were opening for daily business. The site had reportedly been sprayed overnight with pesticide while closed. All six workers have declined further medical care or ambulance transportation. LAFD Hazmat experts have determined there is presently no off-site or escalating hazard. No other illness or injury has been reported.; FS 46; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; BC13 E17 E21 E221 E46 E7 EM11 JT3 RA15 RA21 RA46 SQ21 T21; CH7; 13; Brian Humphrey
