Hazardous Materials 06/07/2019 INC#0813

Hazardous Materials; INC#0813; 01:33PM; 14400 Erwin Street Mall; http://bit.ly/2WmYl8X; Van Nuys; 2 patients (Deputies?) may have been briefly exposed to a white powder at the Van Nuys Courthouse. Both patients are in good condition and are being evaluated by paramedics. The situation has been contained. No further hazard exists. Unknown circumstances surrounding the presence of the substance. Unknown substance is being evaluated by LAFD Hazardous Materials Specialists on scene. Additional information: LASD; FS 39; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; BC10 CM22 E221 E275 E287 E48 E81 EM14 JT4 RA21 RA7 RA78 RA87 RA898 SQ21 SQ87 T21 T75 T87; CH8; 18; -Nicholas Prange
