Hazardous Materials 03/17/2022 INC#0388

Hazardous Materials; INC#0388; 08:38AM; 4541 W Electronics Pl; https://bit.ly/3u5FP83; Atwater Village; This incident was initially received as an 'automatic fire alarm' (there was no fire involved) and the first responding fire company upgraded it to a Hazardous Materials response with additional requested resources enroute. The business is "Huntsman Chemical" and there was an incident reportedly during the transport of a product, which resulted in a leak (no further details on the occurrence available at this time). The involved building has been evacuated and there are currently no reported injuries. LAFD HazMat Squads (2) are responding for the investigation and handling of any potential hazards. The plant manager is on scene, assisting firefighters. No further details.; FS 50; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 13; BC1 BC2 BC5 CM22 E201 E209 E21 E221 E235 E250 E287 E42 E56 E87 EM2 HM75 JT1 JT2 JT3 RA35 RA55 RA56 RA87 SQ21 SQ87 T1 T21 T35 T87 T9; CH9; 13; Margaret Stewart
