Hazardous Material Investigation 09/18/2020 INC#1282

Hazardous Material Investigation; INC#1282; 06:39PM; 439 S Bonnie Brae St; https://bit.ly/3myu0CH; Westlake; PRELIM: 2 persons with unspecified symptoms have been taken to an area hospital after apparent exposure to carbon monoxide within one 3rd floor unit of a three-story 41-unit apartment building. LAFD is coordinating the calm and orderly movement of all other building occupants outdoors to fresh air. None of those undetermined number of persons have any medical complaints at this time. Though a suspect level of carbon monoxide was sensed by first arriving firefighters, LAFD HazMat experts have responded with more sensitive and sophisticated instruments to confirm, isolate and abate the yet to be confirmed cause. ; FS 11; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 1; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC11 E11 E211 EM11 JT2 RA11 RA3 SQ21 T11; Radio Channel: 7; 12; - Brian Humphrey
