Greater Alarm Structure Fire - Knockdown 05/23/2023 INC#0147

Greater Alarm Structure Fire - Knockdown; INC#0147; 03:34AM; 13717 W Desmond St;; #Pacoima; Firefighters arrived at a 50' x 120' one-story commercial building with fire through the roof at a metal processing shop. The business owner was on site and warned responders of corrosive liquids inside the business. 83 Firefighters remained in defensive mode, used water judiciously, contained the fire to just the building of origin, and extinguished the flames in 45 minutes (the building was equipped with measures to contain hazardous runoff). LAFD Hazardous Materials specialists are on scene now to decon crews if necessary, and LA County Health Hazmat has been notified. No reported injuries. ; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC10 BC12 BC14 CM40 CM42 E227 E239 E275 E287 E289 E290 E298 E7 E75 E77 E81 E89 EA1 EM15 HE1 HR3 RA7 RA75 RA889 RA898 SQ21 SQ87 T27 T39 T75 T87 T89 T90 T98 UR27 UR88 UR89; CH9; 17 18; Nicholas Prange
